¿Excelente sexo después de la menopausia? ¡Es mejor que lo creas!

Great Sex After Menopause? You Better Believe It!

Time doesn't pause for anyone or anything, which means that menopause is a fact of life for about half the population. You're probably not looking forward to menopause if you've heard some of the horror stories about it. Maybe you're even experiencing the first symptoms and wondering how it will impact your life and sex life, from here on out! Fortunately, we can guide you and offer reassurance that sex after menopause can still be great, even if it's a bit different from what you're used to.

Don't Let Menopause Symptoms Interfere with Your Sex Life

The list of potential side effects that come with menopause is extensive, and it includes symptoms such as low libido, vaginal dryness, and painful sex, making it harder to have great sex or even want it at all. Most of these symptoms come from the estrogen drop your body undergoes as you enter menopause, while others can be due to low vaginal blood flow and decreased tissue thickness. When your vagina is dry, sensitive tissues can develop tears more easily, making you more susceptible to infections and other urinary symptoms.

Many women have chosen hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to ease the symptoms of menopause and not just related to sexual functioning. However, while estrogen and even testosterone supplementation can benefit libido, hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness, it doesn't do so without risks. Specifically, using estrogen-only HRT for ten years or more can increase your risk for breast cancer, even for several years after you stop HRT.

Furthermore, hormone therapy isn't recommended for those with a history of blood clots, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, bleeding disorders, or liver issues. If safety is a concern, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Alternatives to Hormones

If you want to avoid hormones, vaginal moisturizers are one of your best options to enjoy sex during and after menopause. Unlike lube, which really only provides enough moisture for a session, these moisturizers rehydrate tissues to offer longer-lasting relief from menopause symptoms. You can certainly combine moisturizers with your favorite lube, though!

Vaginal moisturizers are typically topical and come as creams, beads, oils, or suppositories (capsules) that you insert into your vagina. Some moisturizers work for up to three days; however, some require daily application. Fortunately, you can easily find vaginal moisturizers over the counter to find one that works well for you.

Pro tip: experiment with temperature before application. You might just enjoy the sensation of a warm or cold moisturizer!

Finally, arousal supplements may also help your sex life back on track after menopause. Contact us if you want suggestions for products that can help you have better sex during menopause.

STIs Have No Age Limits

Although many sex tips for women in menopause assume you're automatically going to have a decreased sex drive, that's not always the case. For some people, symptoms aren't even particularly distressing! In fact, not having to worry about pregnancy helps some people feel more sexually free than ever before. However, this doesn't mean that sex after menopause is without risks. You can still contract STIs, and vaginal dryness may make your chances more likely.

So use condoms or dental dams where appropriate and get screened for STIs routinely. Doing so gives you peace of mind to truly enjoy all the sex you're having!

Think Outside Your Box

For most people, sex means intercourse, AKA vaginal penetration. You have every right to enjoy penetrative sex after menopause, but it's certainly not the only way to experience intimacy and pleasure. Remember that many women need or prefer clitoral stimulation to orgasm, which you can easily achieve without penetration!

Fingers, tongues, pillows, or even a well-placed thigh feel amazing for clitoral play. Of course, vibrators can make for a fantastic session, too. It might be time to reward yourself with a new toy or buy your very first one if you've yet to try them! Bullets, eggs, and similar lipstick vibes are compact and discreet, but if you're a power queen, you might just love a wand vibrator like the trusty Magic Wand Original.

Also, toys such as strokes and masturbators offer a solution for partners who still enjoy penetration. After all, sex isn't about only one person's pleasure. Handjobs and oral sex are also great options for those who find penetration too difficult or uncomfortable because of menopause.

However, you shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself. Chances are, your partner is undergoing some changes of their own. Their sex drive or erections may not be what they once were. Thinking outside of the box reduces pressure on everyone! If you're willing to experiment, you'll find that so many activities count as sex, each providing intense sensations and intimacy. That's how you have great sex after menopause!