10 alimentos prohibidos si quieres regular tu glucosa

10 forbidden foods if you want to regulate your glucose

Diabetes is a booming disease that is ranked as one of the most dangerous non-communicable diseases in the world today. Currently, there are approximately 6 million registered diabetics in Spain. Why should you regulate your glucose?

There is a fine line between high blood glucose levels (pre-diabetes) and the onset of diabetes. Preventing this from happening is in our hands. That is why we invite you to discover 10 foods you should avoid in order to regulate your glucose. Discover them!

Recommendations for regulating glucose

Impaired glucose control can lead to hyp erglycemia or hypoglycemia. When carbohydrates are ingested, blood glucose levels increase. Because of this increase (hyperglycemia), the pancreas secretes insulin so that the cells can use that glucose.

When insulin secretion is normal, but the cells' insulin receptors do not work properly (forcing the pancreas to secrete more insulin), diabetes occurs.

On the other hand, if there is an excess of insulin, glucose drops below 70 mg/dl and hypoglycemia is occurring. This situation also implies risk for our organism

The three basic pillars for regulating blood glucose (blood sugar) are: diet, physical exercise and circulating insulin. To regulate your glucose, you need to have good control of your diet and establish healthy habits:

  • Drinking between 2 and 2.5 litres of water a day
  • Get at least 40 minutes of moderate exercise a day
  • Establish mealtime schedules
  • Do not let more than 4- 5 hours pass between meals
  • Read the labelling of the food to be consumed
  • Eating a controlled diet in saturated fats

10 forbidden foods if you want to regulate your glucose

The current trend leads us to an increase in the consumption of "zero", " light ", " low in...", " without" , etc., foods that are intended for people with metabolic disorders, including changes in normal glucose values.

In general terms, all these foods usually have hidden sugar. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the sugar content they contain, since they can cause alterations in glucose regulation.

When a product contains more than 10% sugar, i.e. 10 grams per 100 grams, it is best to avoid it.

If you want to keep your glucose at bay, you should bear in mind that there are forbidden foods for regulating glucose . Many of the foods mentioned below may seem a priori to be healthy foods.

Discover: How to control pre-diabetes: 5 key tips

1. Sauces and dressings

Sauces and dressings are usually an accompaniment to meat, fish or salads. The main problem is that they are often highly processed products containing substances such as corn syrup, fructose and other additives that are harmful to glucose regulation.

Sauces and dressings are ultra-processed products that contain hidden sugars and other additives that can affect glucose control.

2. Processed meats and sausages

This type of processed food is associated with increased cholesterol and triglycerides, leading to increased cardiovascular risk.

3. Refined cereals

To obtain a refined cereal, commonly called white cereals or white flours, the cereal is subjected to a process where it loses fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The result is a cereal with a high glycemic index, which causes a sudden rise in blood glucose.

4. Alcohol

With alcohol intake, the liver stops producing glucose, so blood sugar levels are reduced. In diabetics, this phenomenon can be dangerous as it can lead to hypoglycemia.

5. Bakery

They are a source of refined flours, as well as containing trans fats. The combination of both is linked to a reduction in tissue sensitivity to insulin, which leads to an increased risk of diabetes.

6. Sweets

They are characterized by high levels of free sugars in their composition. In addition, they also contain fats and additives that can affect metabolic health .

7. Ultraprocessed foods

All ultra-processed food, which has been subjected to high heat treatments or frying, generates toxic substances. The result is that these substances can cause insulin resistance.

Ultra processed foods are full of substances that affect glucose levels. In addition, their consumption can lead to disorders such as insulin resistance.

8. Soda or sweetened drinks

Soft drinks, also called sugared drinks, have as their main ingredient free sugar, which is quickly metabolized, thus producing a high blood glucose peak.

9. Honey, natural syrups or syrups

They constitute a source of sugars such as glucose and fructose , both of which are involved in the appearance of alterations in glucose control

10. Natural and commercial juice

It is true that they contain sugars naturally present in the fruit (fructose); moreover, the industry tends to add sugars such as sucrose and corn syrups as preservatives.

Are you trying to regulate your glucose through your diet? Don't forget that you should avoid the above-mentioned foods. Also, be sure to ask for a consultation with a nutritionist to receive a diet plan according to your needs.